Tuesday, October 30, 2007


My Character
Name: John
Profession: Gambler
Sex: Male
Build: Heavy
Age: 30 Years
Height: 5' 10"
Color: White

The character is a gambler. His name is John. He is a rich guy who had a lot of money from gambling from planet and now has escaped to space station. He has got permission from the Zenovka, head of SS, to open a casino in space station. Zenovka allowed him to open a casino. He was asked to have a free show on the station to let the Zenovka know if the people are interested or not. On the basis of people's interest John would be allowed to have his casino opened in Space Station. He started with a spinning wheel, because he knew it would be the best start to gather people.

The idea of the spinning wheel is it has different money values written on it. The wheel will be spinned and people will be asked to touch it. The value they touch will appear on the screen sitting beside the wheel and they will be given that value. Different screen have no money value on it.

Initially for the show, John decided to give money for free. There is no money for the first 10 days to touch the screen and win the money. As this is trial so he wants to grab people's attention more and more and wants to grab them by just giving them money for free. Once the people are attracted he will get two goals from it. One, he will get permanent permission from Zenovka to open casino in the space station and second he will have more people involved in the gambling and will have people's interest for playing.

The game is on. It is free for 10 days and then there will be a money of 1 luna to touch it. He has already won the interest of the people. The people are coming to him and winning the money. He is pretty sure that he will get the permission from the Zenovka.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Final spinning wheel

I have completed my spinner wheel today. It meant to give certain gifts to the person who is clicking it and i applied the script on it as well but due to certain issues with either the second life or script i could not fix it. Everytime anyperson clicked on it it gave me message that you are given this this gift rather it should have given that to the person who is clicking it. Dale is going to look at it in some time. Anyways rotation script is working and every of 8 slides and gifts have been applied with diffferent scripts and gifts. So i hope once the issue of gift giver is fixed, my object would be going ok. Everyone who will hit the area will be given certain gift written on that spceific area. It was lovely to work on it but at last it just made me sick of it just because it did not work as it meant to be. Anyways thanx to Dale who kept helping in giving money and scripts and top of all help at each points. Cheers

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Spinner Texture

Today, i have made the texture for my spinning wheel which would be on proposed space station. It has got gift values written on eight of its slides. It will revolve and one who will hit whatever side will be given the money value written on it.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I will be making a spinning wheel in the space station. It will be a kind of hit and win game. It will be used to attract and gather the viewers. The people will be asked to shot the spinning wheel. The wheel will have 10 different slides on which there will be different gifts and money written. Some of these slides will be empty and nothing will be upon them. They will be asked to hit the spinning wheel and win according to whatever they will be knocking at. Whichever slide the person he will hit he will be given whatever will be on that slide, gife, money etc......

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Alternate Reality Games

An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions.
The form is typified by intense player involvement with a story that takes place in real-time and evolves according to participants' responses, and characters that are actively controlled by the game's designers, as opposed to being controlled by artificial intelligence as in a computer or console video game. Players interact directly with characters in the game, solve plot-based challenges and puzzles, and often work together with a community to analyze the story and coordinate real-life and online activities. ARGs generally use multiple media (such as telephones, email, and mail) but rely on the Internet as the central binding medium.

Troy, created for the Experimental Gameplay Competition, is a game about invasion of privacy on the internet. As visitors to the site try to download a game made by a fictional character, they are lead to a 404 site.
The average visitor would probably not bother clicking on the link to the parent directory. But visitors who are inquisitive and prying enough will click on the link and be lead to files and information they weren’t supposed to see. If they keep going through this data, they'll get passwords to spy into more of the fictional character’s personal information. For example, they'll learn that the game developer has just broken up with his girlfriend Becky, and as visitors progress through the game, they uncover very private stuff that gradually reveal what went wrong in their relationship.
Eventually, the curious would get a hold of the game they were originally trying to download, but it turns out to be a trap that the fictional character set for the player, as a punishment for going through his stuff.



History/Story SpaceShip


  • MmShare Evil Lair
  • Secret Society to enter dome
  • Series of tasks to enter dome
  • Rotating object
  • Pick up an object
  • Letter on wall of each room
  • Makes a word
  • Type in or similar
  • Opens toor to mmShare/Get spaceship constume/Uniform/T-Shirt.
  • Create domes structure


Today we talked about different ideas of developing space ship. We agreed to have a spaceship having different domes connected with each other. The idea of spaceship would be, it would have a central dome and there would be differnet domes around it. Class in Group can have their own domes built and can connect to central dome. We can have central things at central dome like bar, gallery, gunshop and central place where people would first go and then leave for different domes thereafter.

Elevator will be used as transportation from ground to the spaceship. We talked about the look and size of the spaceship. Steven was not sure about the space size we will be allocated in space or on grounds.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Dust BIn

I have got dust bin for my character.


I have made my T-shirt for my character in 2nd life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Object for my Character

I have made a soccer ball for my character. I just uploaded the texture from a football which did not work properly. I then grabed the texture of football and uploaded it again and then i took it to my inventory and handed over to my character.


I have got my T-shirt done in Second life. The color is more refreshing that is what the idea of this color is. I have got my picture on the back of T-shirt which i could not take the picture of this day but i am standing in the back of T-shirt.
Earlier i had a female model wondering around but i could not cope up with her breast and my name on top of that so i just managed to change my character to male so i could place my name without having a top up.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The picture i have taken for my 2nd life display.......

House for Character

I have constructed a house for my character to live in, though it have got only one transparent window on the back and no wall on the sides but it was done conciously as my character would'nt live here but will come here to enjoy the summer season.


My second life character. It is dashy with long hair and i had to struggle a lot to tie the nuts and bold for this character.

Me & My Sonia

Today we just workedout to show our pictures in 2nd life. My model is just standing beside my snapshot for which i had paid out of Dale's pocket. Thanks Dale!.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Film park studio

1) Poles for lighting.
2) Inside the sea
3) Separate locations.
4) Dance schools.
5) Large area.
6) Hotels for crew
7) Big buildings

Acropolis Stadium


1) Big screens in stage.
2) Small screens.
3) Plantation inside stadium to look green
4) Roof top.
5) Sitting arrangements.
6) Stage like a star
7) Lighting arrangements.

Sexy Beach


1) Open air music and dance.
2) Dance stage inside sea
3) Good lighting on dancing stage
4) Clouds going on top.
5) Fire arrangement in the middle.
6) Floating sunbathe
7) Trees.


1) No proper way to dancing stage.
2) No shopping centre seen.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Character Creation

My name is Rhubab.
My social position is: Student
Age 25
Sex Male
Health Good
Physique Well built

I see myself as long hairy, tall and widened. I see myself as helping and master of everything. I love to be in challenges.

I usually dress up in….light colours and if coloured then only blue.
I dress to hide my…..belly

My idea of good night is……having all my family members around and having fun. My idea of bad night is if I am feeling alone and there is no one around to listens my worries and sorrows. I valuee my best friend because…they are good listener and caring. My favourite film is…. Sathiya.
The ways of my relaxing are… listening light music, hanging out with friends and sitting beside a lake at cool & calm night.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It was our first class for WMM. It went well, as it did not give one more panic doing another brief and assignment next week.

Thanx Stefan.
